Friday, February 17, 2012

Increasing fluency

To increase fluency-

Students need to participate in repetitive readings of the same materials- teacher reads, students read with a partner, choral readings of the same passages...
 Have students tape record their oral reading and listen to their own reading.
 Daily oral and silent reading practice of at least 20 minutes!
 Read to a buddy-  Helps increase reading time because it is fun to read with a buddy.
 Have child read aloud to a parent, sibling, a relative, the dog, anyone who will listen!
 Model reading a passage with expression and fluency to the child and then ask them to read it (Echo Reading). Some children need to hear fluent reading first before attempting to model it themselves.
 Choral reading- everyone reads together.
 Have students read silently at home as part of their weekly homework. Silent reading DOES increase fluency, but it has to be done daily. The more children read the more automatic it becomes.


 What is fluency
Fluency is the ability to read, speak, or write easily, smoothly
and with expression. In reading, fluency skills are the ability to see the
"big picture" rather than reading word for word. Reading fluency is often
associated with smooth and even-paced reading.
 Fluent readers can immediately recognize text or frequent clusters of letters. They have a good site word vocabulary and can see phrases as whole thoughts and not individual words.
 If a reader struggles over these common letter patterns, their reading becomes choppy.  Students lose the ability to comprehend when they are struggling over words.  Their energy and focus is often spent on just figuring out the word and not understanding the text in front of them. To help these children, we want to identify why they are having difficulty decoding words and include interventions in their daily instruction.
 Fluent readers read aloud almost effortlessly and with varied expressions. They sound natural and unrehearsed. Fluent readers are reading and comprehending simultaneously. 
 Fluency develops over time with practice.  Young readers inevitably will sound choppy as they are just beginning to understand how language works and how to break the text into natural sounding chunks.  With time and many opportunities to practice reading, young readers develop these skills. Young readers also need to hear stories being read aloud.  Modeling fluent reading by reading aloud is most beneficial.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weak at math? Revise your 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 multiplication tables with this AWESOME video.

Many students find math difficult because they don't have a grasp of the basics.
Learn your 1 to 12  multiplication tables with this video, watch it over and over again to get a better grasp of the basics before trying the more difficult material.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This is a great way to use technology to help students finish assignments on time!

 These sites are fun, will engage them creatively, as well as intellectually and keep students who finish early on the right track. Students will love using the laptops and I think this will encourage the students to finish assignments in a timely manner.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012



Students served through special education programs will be tested under STAAR in different ways based on their individual needs and participation requirements.
  • Regular STAAR
  • STAAR with accommodations
  • STAAR Modified (STAAR M)
  • STAAR Alternate exam (STAAR ALT)
Please see related tabs for more information on differences in tests.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Teaching Techniques THAT WORK!

Five Great Teaching Techniques
  • Always have a genuine purpose behind every lesson.
  • Make sure the material is engaging and interactive.
  • Allow students to direct their own learning.
  • Mistakes are part of the process- celebrate them!
  • Humor releases tension- Use it often!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Quotes to teach by.

I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.  ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

" To teach is to learn, again.
People don't care how much you know,
Until they know how much you care.
Remember this when dealing with your students,
Especially with the challenging one's."