Friday, February 17, 2012

Increasing fluency

To increase fluency-

Students need to participate in repetitive readings of the same materials- teacher reads, students read with a partner, choral readings of the same passages...
 Have students tape record their oral reading and listen to their own reading.
 Daily oral and silent reading practice of at least 20 minutes!
 Read to a buddy-  Helps increase reading time because it is fun to read with a buddy.
 Have child read aloud to a parent, sibling, a relative, the dog, anyone who will listen!
 Model reading a passage with expression and fluency to the child and then ask them to read it (Echo Reading). Some children need to hear fluent reading first before attempting to model it themselves.
 Choral reading- everyone reads together.
 Have students read silently at home as part of their weekly homework. Silent reading DOES increase fluency, but it has to be done daily. The more children read the more automatic it becomes.

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