
Why we should read 20 minutes every day?

Our brains develop as we “feed” them with
experiences. The experience of reading activates and
“exercises” many of the areas of the brain. The visual
cortex works as your eyes track the words on the page
and look at the illustrations. Your memory makes
connections between what you already know about the
topic of the story and its content. New information
learned through reading further strengthens your
network of knowledge. Reading provides one of the most
enriching and complex brain activities available in life.

Generally, the more time you are exposed to something and the more
time you spend practicing it, the better you’ll become at performing it.
This is absolutely true for reading.

There is a strong correlation between a child’s ability
to read and academic performance. Because so much of
our schooling relies on our abilities to read, children
must have strong reading skills to succeed and thrive in

Reading improves academic

Practice makes perfect

Reading is “brain food”